One Sound One Hope 2023

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A Call


As the United Body of Christ we invite every church and every believer from every corner of India, to stand before God and intercede for our beautiful nation.

Together, we will be marking the Day of Pentecost with the sound of hope, prayer and praise.

One Sound One Hope 2023

19th May, 2024. 12:00 noon

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The Church has always been at the forefront of the building of the nation. But India today finds herself at a critical phase of her history, beset with many problems. The present global crisis of the Covid has added to the capacity to inflict great damage especially to the poor. Weather it is the Elections, Climate Change, Ethnic Conflicts, Jobs, India continues to show resilience against the backdrop of a challenging global environment.

This situation urges us to renew our commitment and dedication for a continuous endeavour and to persist in prayer, so that our nation can advance along the paths of progress, peace, and justice.

2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face …, then I will hear from heaven … and I will heal their land.”

OneSound OneHope is a call for unprecedented faith in unprecedented times.

This initiative aims to bring together the Church in India on 19th May 2024 to intercede for our nation, uniting in celebrating Day of Pentecost with a sound of Hope, Prayer, and Praise.

UCPI is spearheading this effort, with significant support and partnership from Mission Organizations, Church Leaders, and Individuals.

Media Partners

Elevate Media (India)
Atomwhale Digital
Christian Vision
Campus Crusade for Christ
Jaybob Photo